Ilya Ponomarev of "Just Russia" was penalized by the Russian Duma (Parliament) after using the term "crooks and thieves" in a speech. He is now barred from the floor for a month. Apparently, the term coined by ultra-nationalist leader Alexey Navalny, is now a taboo phrase in the Kremlin lexicon. I'm sure he would not get barred even if he cursed but that nothing appals the Kremlin more than any shadow of popular-based dissent. I have no sympathy for Navalny, but he did manage to garner a certain opposition following, which posed the greatest-yet, internal challenge to this increasingly totalitarian regime. The entire legislative institution in Russia resembles a low-quality circus with semi-educated ignoramuses, athletes and beauty pageants on board. The reaction to the "C&T" term only serves to prove the growing paranoia of this discredited regime.